Many people skip calling a lawyer because they worry about cost and receiving false promises. My initial consultations break these perceptions. They are free and honest. And in all of my successful cases as a Philadelphia lawyer, the initial consultation with my future client proved vital. So in this post, I want to describe what happens during this meeting and why it is so important.


Attorney Joe Mitchell offers free consultations for Philadelphia DUI, Philadelphia Criminal Cases, and Philadelphia Personal Injury matters.
Many legal matters can lead to confusion and stress. My initial consultation for your Philadelphia-area DUI, criminal case, or personal injury matter can clear up confusion and lead to solutions for you and your family.

If you have a legitimate case, you’ll be spending many hours with a personal injury lawyer. This first meeting gives us a chance to get to know each other. Before any money changes hands, you can determine if you like my communication style, expertise, and personality. At the same time, I can determine if there’s enough evidence to move your case forward.

An Honest Assessment

In a previous post, I talked about the 3 pillars of a personal injury case. I also handle DUI and criminal cases, and those have different criteria. In all the cases I handle, the initial consultation gives me the chance to be honest. No one wants to waste time or money, and the first meeting gives me the opportunity to hear you out and ascertain the viability of the case as well as the range of outcomes.

A Clear Path Forward

People who I meet during these initial consultations are usually in need of help. Whether it is a DUI case, a criminal matter, or a personal injury, my clients have been put through a tough time.

At the end of our initial talk, however, many have a sense of hope. For those with a plausible claim or defense, I will clearly communicate next steps and the goal we will work toward. For instance, the latest testimonial we posted shows a pleased client who received probation for his DUI case, just like I forecasted during our initial consultation.

Even people who don’t have a case or an injury claim can find a sense of resolution. I can explain why the facts do not stack in your favor. It may be a silver lining, but knowing that there is no claim to make or case to pursue has given many people the jumpstart they needed to start their recovery.

Don’t Delay

Time is unfriendly when it comes to personal injury, DUI, and criminal cases. The longer it takes a client to contact me after the incident in question, the harder the case gets. Memories get foggy. Details get lost. And witnesses get harder to find.

This is another reason why I offer free initial consultations. There should be no roadblock like cost that prevents you from protecting your rights.


We want everyone in the Philadelphia area to be as safe and secure as possible. My website,, provides a list of all my practice areas. So please contact us if you were arrested for a criminal matter, a DUI, or hurt as the result of someone’s negligence. The initial consultation is vital and we want to get you on the path to recovery as soon as possible.

Our promise is to deliver outstanding customer service and our motto is: More Service than You Would Expect.

– Attorney Joe Mitchell: Harvard Educated, Street Smart. Philadelphia Attorney Specializing in Personal Injury, Criminal Cases, and DUI

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