In my 20-plus years as a Philadelphia Accident Attorney, these are the top ways the not-at-fault party has hurt their own case and minimized their ability to receive a fair settlement. Lie to the Insurance Company Perhaps the best evidence at a victim’s disposal is his or her word about what happened. If he or…

Many people skip calling a lawyer because they worry about cost and receiving false promises. My initial consultations break these perceptions. They are free and honest. And in all of my successful cases as a Philadelphia lawyer, the initial consultation with my future client proved vital. So in this post, I want to describe what…

The term personal injury is used in the legal industry. It is defined as an injury to the body, emotions or mind, and not injury to physical property. In most American jurisdictions, this is commonly seen in tort lawsuits. These often allege that injury of a plaintiff was the result of negligence by another. It…

In Pennsylvania, a bicycle is considered a vehicle, and you must obey all of the laws that apply to other vehicles as well as to bicycle-specific rules about safety, parking, and signaling. In the realm of DUI law, this means you can be pulled over and have your person tested for intoxicants, even if you…

In a previous post, we defined negligent entrustment and gave some examples of situations when this legal term would come into play. In this article, we will finish the series by providing more examples and discussing how negligent entrustment can affect your personal injury case. Recap: What is Negligent Entrustment? The legal definition is: The…

Most insurance companies have repair contracts with body shops. And after you’ve been in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you can bet the at-fault party’s insurance company will want your car in their recommended shop. Should you follow this recommendation? Below, we examine some important aspects about this key area of post-accident recovery….

Hardly a month goes by without news of a huge recall from a big auto manufacturer. Toyota, Honda, GM, and all the other big names have issued recalls that affect hundreds of thousands of cars. New clients ask us about it all the time. They say, My car was under a recall at the time…

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