In my 20-plus years as a Philadelphia Accident Attorney, these are the top ways the not-at-fault party has hurt their own case and minimized their ability to receive a fair settlement. Lie to the Insurance Company Perhaps the best evidence at a victim’s disposal is his or her word about what happened. If he or…

Many people skip calling a lawyer because they worry about cost and receiving false promises. My initial consultations break these perceptions. They are free and honest. And in all of my successful cases as a Philadelphia lawyer, the initial consultation with my future client proved vital. So in this post, I want to describe what…

In Pennsylvania, a bicycle is considered a vehicle, and you must obey all of the laws that apply to other vehicles as well as to bicycle-specific rules about safety, parking, and signaling. In the realm of DUI law, this means you can be pulled over and have your person tested for intoxicants, even if you…

For a variety of reasons, millions of car accidents go unreported each year. In this article, we talk about some of the main reasons people do not report accidents and why this is a mistake for all parties involved. Worry About Your Premiums Later Perhaps the most common reason people do not report an accident…

Being a victim of some else’s negligence is bad enough. If this has happened to you, it’s imperative that you don’t compound your problem by handling the aftermath alone. Here are the top reasons why you need help in these rough situations. A Full-Time Endeavor Even though car accident personal injury insurance claims make up…

In our last blog post, we talked about how summer is the most dangerous 100 days in terms of car accident risk. In this post, we want to take some time to re-enforce some driving best practices that can help you avoid a crash. Before You Start Moving Check the Gauges: Make sure the warning…

Did you know that we are in the midst of the 100 deadliest days for driving? That’s what the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) calls the time span between the beginning of June and the end of August. Statistically speaking, August is the deadliest month in terms of car accidents. More miles are traveled…

The following article is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, The Pennsylvania Car Accident Playbook. Regardless of the severity, a car accident is a jarring experience. To make matters worse, most people never consider how to handle a car accident until it’s too late. In the following section, I’ve answered a number of questions about…

My 20-plus years as an auto accident lawyer in the Philadelphia area have taught me that many motorists don’t know their car insurance policy details. The problem is easy to understand: it’s much easier to renew a policy than it is to study its changes, options, and fine print. Yet staying on top of your…

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