carsSometimes you’re running late and have to rush to work, or to a meeting, or to pick up the kids and you don’t obey all the traffic laws.  But what can happen if you get caught and pulled over doing something as simple as driving over the speed limit, or driving a little recklessly? Insurance companies will sometimes change premium payments for the most minor wrongdoing – so here’s the heads up 1

Moving violations, such as speeding and reckless driving, result in the driver getting points which can result in premium increases. There are two kinds of points that can affect insurance rates- drivers license points, and insurance points. Drivers license points are for traffic violations, speeding, drunk driving, and the like, while insurance points are given when a accident claim is filed against the driver, a premium payment is late, or one’s credit score drops. If a driver is planning on filing a claim based on the accident (for repair of his car for instance), if he was the one who caused said accident, it could result in insurance points on his record that could negatively affect his insurance payments. 2

Different offenses can affect insurance premiums in different ways. According to, in a national survey, the following offenses increased insurance payments by the following percentages:

  1. Reckless Driving: 22%,
  2. Failure to Stop for a Light or a Stop Sign: 16%,
  3. Following Too Close/Tailgating:13%,

In general, if you have points on your record it can and will negatively affect the premium payment you pay for auto insurance. However, if you continue to drive safely after an incident for an extended time (three points are removed each year in PA) you record can eventually be wiped clean.  The best way to avoid rate increases on auto insurance is to drive safely, defensively, andalways be aware of your surroundings while on the road! Points are a drag!

Joseph S. Mitchell III, Esquire has been an attorney in Philadelphia for over 20 years. He has helped hundreds of people recover damages in personal injury cases, increase insurance settlements on injury claims, and has helped get criminal charges thrown out. If you ever need a lawyer for personal injury, criminal defense, or DUI, don’t hesitate to call Attorney Joseph S. Mitchell III, Esquire at (267) 627-4JOE (267-627-4563).

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