You need to know your rights and what to do after an accident with a truck. The damage can be extensive. You could wind up having to pay for medical bills and vehicle repairs. Do not go into debt. Instead, get professional legal counsel fast.

Right to Seek Medical Attention

One of the first things you need to do is get a medical checkup. Never let the truck driver or anyone else tell you to forgo doing so. A qualified medical professional needs to assess the amount of physical damage caused by the accident.

The failure to see a doctor immediately after an accident can devastate any legal claim you file. The truck driver will surely claim that something else caused your injuries. Prevent this from happening by seeing a medical provider right way.

Right to Request Contact Information

You need to also get the contact information of everyone involved or in the proximity of the accident. Be sure to call them from the scene if possible to be sure the numbers are correct.

Get as much information as you can so that you can file a successful claim.

Right to Fair Compensation

All accident victims deserve fair compensation for the damage done. You can request this monetary amount from the truck driver. Doctor visits, lost wages and vehicle repair bills are all expenses you can request the truck driver pay.

Your personal injury attorney will help you document exactly how much is needed.

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